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    您所在的位置:标准件之家网>供应>紧固件>螺钉>机螺钉>不锈钢304外六角头半牙半螺纹螺丝游艇螺栓DIN931 HEX BOLT FT




    不锈钢304外六角头半牙半螺纹螺丝游艇螺栓DIN931 HEX BOLT FT





    发货期限自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货



    关 键 词 螺丝 螺栓

    更新日期2019-04-24 18:17

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  • 商品信息


    品牌: FILTEC+,ABP,C,S,THE 所在地: 福建 厦门市 起订: 未填
    供货总量: 未填 有效期至: 长期有效 备注:
    型号 M8-M20


    司简介:厦门恒丰隆五金有限公司位于福建厦门市同安工业集中区建材物流园,在同集路与新324国道的交叉路口处,交通十分方便,隶属于海外张氏华侨(新加坡)所建立的集生产、仓储及销售为一体的大型紧固件销售企业-新丰五金私人有限公司,总公司目前在马来西亚及中国宁波、上海等地均设有生产性工厂及贸易子公司。我们公司经营各类德标、国标、日标、美制紧固件,主要以高品质不锈钢304/316螺丝、螺栓、螺母、垫圈及FILTECTM螺纹护套(法国进口)为强势产品,并配有多种高品质铁系螺丝、螺栓(10.9级/12.9级)、螺母、垫圈及不锈钢冷镦线材(专营进口华新丽华302HQ/316CU冷镦线材)等产品。产品广泛应用于精密机械、船业制造、电子电器、航空、机杨等领域。在新加坡总公司的大力支持下,我们拥有一套完善的质量保证体系和用户管理制度,能为客户提供强有力的质量保障及优质、合理的售前售后服务,为客户提供最卓越的产品品质和最优良的售后服务是恒丰隆追求的目标,“质量第一、顾客至上、价格合理、信誉第一”是公司永恒的宗旨。我们愿不断探索,不断创新,为贵司提供符合时代水平的新型紧固件,为您服务,为您配套。Company Profile: Xiamen Heng Feng Long Hardware Co., Ltd is situated at FuJian Xiamen city Tong’an industrial center district, building and logistic area. It is located at the cross junction of TongJi Road and New 324 Country Road and the traffic services is very convenience. The company initially was setup by Teoclan(Singapore) and hope to develop into a huge production, Warehousing and Sales distribution center. The head company SIN HONG HARDWARE PTE LTD, currently has production and sales distribution in Malaysia, China Ning Bo and Shanghai. Our company currently distributes all kind of standard fasteners in ISO, GB, JIS, DIN and ANSI Specifications. Main Product lines include high quality stainless steel 304/316 screws,bolts, nuts, washers and FILTECTMinserts (French import) product, we also have product lines high quality steel bolts(CL10.9/CL12.9), screws, nuts, washers and wire ropes like 302HQ/316CU etc. Product are all in full and complete range which are suitable in all kinds of precision fasteners, machining, shipbuilding, electronics, aerospace, military etc. With full support from Singapore head office, we have a complete system of quality and user account control system. This fully tested workable system willguaranteeour customer in getting the most superior quantity product, best pre and post sales services. Being able to supply best quantity and services is our main aim in serving our customers as our long time goals. “Best Quality, Customer as always, Competitive Prices, Trustworthy” is our company Motto. We will continue to strike our best in researching for the best and new ways to support our customer and to push our products with a much better quantity, customer services and packages to repay our loyal customers.